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About two-thirds of us have bought premium orange juice in the past six months, many convinced by claims of pure and natural juice, which make it seem like oranges fall off the tree into the carton. But that’s not the whole story...


The Fresh Squeeze is a new Calgary company that bottles and delivers freshly squeezed Organic Orange Juice.


Because the juice is made locally, there's no need to extend its natural shelf life, which means you're able to enjoy the benefits of raw oranges that were squeezed that day.

No pasteurizing. No added chemicals. No added sugars. Only oranges! That's our promise.


Squeezed. Bottled. Delivered.

Lawsuits Launched in United States over Labeling of "natural" orange juice.


This past June, several lawsuits were filed against Orange Juice manufacturer, Tropicana, claiming the juice is so heavily processed it shouldn't be called "natural".

How Pure and Natural is Your  Orange Juice?


Yale University Press author Alissa Hamilton fields questions from CBC's Nancy Wilson about her new book, "Squeezed: What You Don't Know About Orange Juice", and her research on the orange juice industry.